Date | Approved Motions | Action |
21-Aug-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve granting an easement over Lot 1 on Plan 1177, Block A, 糖心视频污 PID 007-683-332, being Quadra Elementary School, to the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) and the City of 糖心视频污, for the purposes of access to consolidated Lots 2 and 3 on Plan 1190B, Block 2, Section 4, 糖心视频污, PID 008-032-939. | The Board approved granting the easement and the paperwork was sent to the City of 糖心视频污. |
21-Aug-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) agree to give all three readings of Disposal (Easement) of Real Property Bylaw 17-02 at the August 21, 2017 meeting. | The Board gave all three readings of Disposal (Easement) of Real Property Bylaw 17-02. |
21-Aug-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the Disposal (Easement) of Real Property Bylaw 17- 02 , being a bylaw to grant an easement over Lot 1 on Plan 1177, Block A, 糖心视频污 PID 007-683-332, being Quadra Elementary School, to the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) and the City of 糖心视频污, for the purposes of access to consolidated Lots 2 and 3 on Plan 1190B, Block 2, Section 4, 糖心视频污, PID 008-032-939 be: Read a first time the 21st day August, 2017; Read a second time the 21st day of August, 2017; Read a third time, passed and adopted the 21st day of August, 2017. And that the Secretary-Treasurer and the Board Chair be authorized to execute and seal this bylaw on behalf of the Board. | The Board Chair and Secretary-Treasurer executed Bylaw 17-02 and the paperwork was sent to the Ministry of Education. |
26-Jun-17 | That amended Bylaw 9360 芒聙聯 General Meeting of the Board be: Read a third time, passed and adopted the 26th day of June 2017 and that the amended Bylaw 9360 be enacted effective June 26, 2017. | The third reading of Bylaw 9360 was approved. |
26-Jun-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the recommended motions (ii) and (iii) from the June 12, 2017 Operations Policy and Planning Committee meeting. | The motions were approved. |
26-Jun-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No.61 (Greater 糖心视频污) amend the Equity Ad Hoc Committee芒聙聶s Terms of Reference to a) extend the timeline of the Committee through the 2017/2018 school year, and to b) add that the Committee will provide recommendations in advance of the 2018/2019 budget process. | The terms of reference for the Equity Ad Hoc Committee were approved as amended. |
26-Jun-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Superintendent to review the Greater 糖心视频污 Foundation for Learning mandate and bring recommendations back to the Operations Policy and Planning Committee. | The Superintendent will review the Greater 糖心视频污 Foundation for Learning mandate. |
26-Jun-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) delete Policy 2127.060 Psychologist, Policy 2127.062 Speech and Language Specialist, and Policy 2127.063 District Counsellors. | The policies were deleted. |
26-Jun-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No.61 (Greater 糖心视频污) accept the Long Term District Facilities Plan report in draft format. | The draft Long Term District Facilities Plan report was accepted. |
26-Jun-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No.61 (Greater 糖心视频污) accept the recommendations of the Student Registration and Transfer Ad Hoc Committee as follows: 1) That the Board of Education approve the following student enrolment priorities and corresponding considerations to take effect for student enrolment during the 2018-2019 school year: 1. re-enrolling students 2. a catchment area sibling 3. a new catchment area child 4. a non-catchment sibling 5. a non-catchment area child 6. a non-school district child 2) That the Board of Education direct the Superintendent to revise the appropriate policies and regulations to reflect changes to the student enrolment priorities and process, including: English and French program families who could not access their catchment school will have the first right of refusal at their catchment school when, or if, a seat becomes available. Should the family choose to stay in their present non-catchment school, or a seat does not become available at their catchment school, they will be treated as a catchment student at their non-catchment school and pathway. A student leaving a French Immersion program at a school that is not their English catchment school will have to apply for a transfer to attend the English program. This practice will also apply to any student attending a program of choice at a non-catchment school (e.g. sports academy or leadership program). The enrolment priorities apply to all students in transition from elementary to middle school, and from middle school to high school. In the event space is limited and a school cannot accept all non-catchment student requests, priority will be given to those non-catchment students currently in the determined pathway of schools over other non-catchment, non-pathway students. In recognition of a growing student population and to ensure an equitable placement of international students at schools across the District, the number of international student registrations will be capped at 1,050 FTE for 2017-2018 and will be reviewed annually by the Superintendent and Director of International Student Programs, based on annual enrolment projections. 3) That the Board of Education direct the Superintendent to review the current registration process to improve registration information and documentation requirements for registration, as well as identify possible options for online registration. | The Board accepted the recommendations of the Student Registration and Transfer Ad Hoc Committee. |
26-Jun-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Superintendent芒聙聶s report as presented. | The Superintendent's report was received as presented. |
26-Jun-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) makes available to the public via the District website, the schedules of fees that have been approved by the School Planning Councils for the District芒聙聶s Specialty Academy programs. | The schedule of fees for the District's Specialty Academy programs will be posted on the website. |
26-Jun-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the 2017/2018 Board of Education Proposed Dates and the Standing Committee meeting dates. | The 2017/2018 Board of Education and Standing Committee meeting dates were approved. |
26-Jun-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Secretary-Treasurer芒聙聶s report as presented. | The Secretary-Treasurer's report was received as presented. |
26-Jun-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve for submission to the Ministry of Education, the 2018/2019 Greater 糖心视频污 School District No. 61 Five Year Capital Plan. | The 2018/2019 Five Year Capital Plan was approved. |
23-May-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the recommended motions from the May 1, 2017 Education Policy and Directions Committee meeting. | The motions were approved. |
23-May-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No.61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the Board Authority Authorized course: Yoga for Mindfulness 10 - 12. | Board Authority Authorized course: Yoga for Mindfulness 10-12 was approved. |
23-May-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No.61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the Board Authority Authorized course: Astronomy 11. | Board Authority Authorized course: Astronomy 11 was approved. |
23-May-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No.61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the Board Authority Authorized course: Travel Languages 11. | Board Authority Authorized course: Travel Languages 11 was approved. |
23-May-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No.61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the Board Authority Authorized course: Political Science 12. | Board Authority Authorized course: Political Science 12 was approved. |
23-May-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No.61 (Greater 糖心视频污) instruct the Chair to write to the Ministry of Children and Family Development requesting their support for childcare providers applications for capital funding, and expressing the Board芒聙聶s support for childcare at district schools. | A letter was sent to the Ministry of Children and Family Development and posted on the District website. |
23-May-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No.61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Superintendent to review lunch monitor guidelines, training, student/supervisor ratio; and costs for alternatives and bring this report to the November 2017 Operations Policy and Planning Committee meeting. | The Superintendent will begin a review and report back to the November 2017 Operations Policy and Planning Committee meeting. |
23-May-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Superintendent芒聙聶s report as presented. | The Superintendent's report was received as presented. |
23-May-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Student Registration and Transfer Committee to include within its mandate French Immersion Programs, catchment area review and the possibility of re-opening closed schools. | The motion as been forwarded to the Committee for inclusion in their mandate. |
23-May-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Secretary-Treasurer芒聙聶s report as presented. | The Secretary-Treasurer's report was received as presented. |
23-May-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve spending up to $500,000 from local capital for technology packages for new enrolling classrooms should funding not materialize from the Ministry of Education. | The District is currently evaluating its Classroom Enhancement Fund Capital approval to determine if there is sufficient funds to support the project. |
23-May-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) request the Chair to write a letter to the Minister of Education, copying other Party leaders, requesting that the Ministry of Education fund CUPE Education Assistants to supervise SD61 K-5 students during student lunch times in classrooms that rely on students to do this supervision. | |
23-May-17 | That the motion 芒聙聹That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Superintendent to develop protocols to reply to inquiries from School District No. 61 stakeholders芒聙聺 be referred to the Public Engagement Ad Hoc Committee. | The motion has been referred to the Public Engagement Ad Hoc Committee to add to their mandate. |
23-May-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) amend Bylaw 9360, General Meeting of the Board, 11.C., to add that verbal Trustee Reports shall be a maximum of two minutes and that any Trustee Reports requiring more than two minutes shall be submitted in writing only, and that amended Bylaw 9360, General Meeting of the Board be: Read a first time this 23rd day of May, 2017; and Read a second time this 23rd day of May, 2017. | The amendment to Bylaw 9360, General Meeting of the Board, was given two readings and a third reading will be held at the June 26, 2017 Board meeting. |
24-Apr-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the recommended motions with the exception of motions i, iii and iv from the April 10, 2017 Operations Policy and Planning Committee meeting. | The motions were approved. |
24-Apr-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No.61 (Greater 糖心视频污) authorize senior administration to engage with Anomura to develop a feasibility study of land use with respect to the proposal for temporary social housing. | Senior administration will work with Anomura to develop a feasibility study of land use with respect to the proposal for temporary social housing. |
24-Apr-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No.61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the revised Bylaw 9360 General Meeting of the Board to reflect the opportunity for stakeholder partners to comment (but not vote) on agenda items at Board of Education meetings. | The revisions to Bylaw 9360 General Meeting of the Board were approved. |
24-Apr-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) agree to give all three readings to Bylaw 9360, General Meeting of the Board at the meeting of April 24, 2017. | The Board agreed to give Bylaw 9360 General Meeting of the Board all three readings. |
24-Apr-17 | That Bylaw 9360, General Meeting of the Board be: Read a first time the 24th day of April, 2017; Read a second time the 24th day of April, 2017; Read a third time, passed and adopted the 24th day of April, 2017. | The Board adopted revised Bylaw 9360 General Meeting of the Board. |
24-Apr-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Superintendent to enhance the information available to the public and stakeholders about their role and voice at meetings, the ability to address the Board and participate at Standing Committees as well as update the agenda package and information at the meeting itself, and improve the District website. | The District website and information available to the public meeting process will be enhanced. |
24-Apr-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Superintendent to extend the timeline of the Public Engagement and Communications Committee to include the 2017-2018 school year. | The timeline for the Public Engagement and Communications Committee was extended to include the 2017-2018 school year. |
24-Apr-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) delete Policy 2123.040 Manager Building Operations. | Policy 2123.010 Manager Building Operations was deleted. |
24-Apr-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) delete Policy 2123.045 Supervisor of Maintenance. | Policy 2123.045 Supervisor of Maintenance was deleted. |
24-Apr-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) delete Policy 2123.046 Supervisor of Construction. | Policy 2123.046 Supervisor of Construction was deleted. |
24-Apr-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Secretary-Treasurer's report as presented. | The Secretary-Treasurer's report was received as presented. |
24-Apr-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) agree to give all three readings to Capital Bylaw No. 2017/18-CPSD61-01 Capital Plan 2017/18 at the meeting of April 24, 2017. | The Board agreed to give Capital Bylaw No. 2017/18-CPSD61-01 Capital Plan 2017/18 all three readings. |
24-Apr-17 | That Capital Bylaw No. 2017/18-CPSD61-01 Capital Plan 2017/18 be: Read a first time the 24th day of April, 2017; Read a second time the 24th day of April, 2017; Read a third time, passed and adopted the 24th day of April, 2017; and that the Secretary-Treasurer and the Board Chair be authorized to execute and seal this bylaw on behalf of the Board. | The Board adopted Capital Bylaw No. 2017/18-CPSD61-01 Capital Plan 2017/18. |
24-Apr-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve granting a Statutory Right-of-Way to TELUS Communications Inc. for the purpose of installing and maintaining telecommunications infrastructure at Reynolds Secondary School on the property legally described as Lot 1, Section 32, 糖心视频污 District Plan 29255, Except Plan VIP88547, PID: 001-421-468. | The Board approved granting a Statutory Right-of-Way to TELUS Communications Inc. |
24-Apr-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) agree to give all three readings to the School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) Disposal (Right-of-Way) of Real Property Bylaw No. 17-01 at the April 24, 2017 Board meeting. | The Board agreed to give all three readings to the School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) Disposal (Right-of-Way) Bylaw No. 17-01. |
24-Apr-17 | That the School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) Disposal (Right-of-Way) of Real Property Bylaw No. 17-01, being a bylaw to grant a Statutory Right-of-Way to TELUS Communications Inc. on the property legally described as Lot 1, Section 32, 糖心视频污 District Plan 29255, Except Plan VIP88547, PID: 001-421-468, for the purpose of installing and maintaining telecommunications infrastructure at Reynolds Secondary School, be Read a first time the 24th day of April, 2017; Read a second time the 24th day of April, 2017; Read a third time, passed and adopted the 24th day of April, 2017, and that the Secretary-Treasurer and the Board Chair be authorized to execute and seal this bylaw on behalf of the Board. | The Board adopted School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) Disposal (Right-of-Way) Bylaw No. 17-01. |
24-Apr-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) refer all food and nutrition related policies and regulations, including Policy and Regulation 3313 School Meal Program and Policy and Regulation 6164.3 Consumption of Nutritious Foods, to the Policy Sub-Committee for update and consolidation. | The Board referred all food and nutrition related policies and regulations to the Policy Sub-Committee for update and consolidation. |
24-Apr-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Superintendent to, in consultation with the Facilities Department, oversee the creation of a draft School Gardens and Landscaping Policy and Regulation that incorporates the existing Facilities Department Guideline - Tree Planting, Landscaping, Equipment Placement and ensures that school gardens and landscaping projects are consistently supported across the district, and that the draft policy and regulation be brought back to the Education Policy and Directions Standing Committee. | A draft School Gardens and Landscaping Policy and Regulation will be created. |
24-Apr-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Superintendent to provide a report to the Education Policy and Directions Standing Committee on current practices and future directions for supporting gifted learners in our district, and recommendations for updating Policy 6142.05 Education of Students or Learners With Gifted Abilities accordingly. | A report on current practices and future directions for supporting gifted learners will be prepared. |
24-Apr-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) re-affirm their endorsement of the $10 a day Childcare Plan including the inclusion of early learning and childcare being brought under the Ministry of Education and that a letter be written to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Children and Family Development urging this change and the necessary capital investment to create childcare space on school district property with the announced $7.5 billion Federal funding. | A letter will be written to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Children and Family Development urging that early learning and childcare be brought under the Ministry of Education and that the capital investment to create childcare space on school district property take place. |
24-Apr-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Superintendent芒聙聶s report as presented. | The Superintendent's report was received as presented. |
13-Mar-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) jointly submit as a late emergent motion to the BCSTA AGM along with VISTA as follows: 芒聙聹Be it resolved that the BCSTA urge the government to bring Early Childhood Development and the appropriate full funding under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education.芒聙聺 | The Board will jointly submit a late emergent motion to the BCSTA. |
13-Mar-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Secretary-Treasurer芒聙聶s report as presented. | The Secretary-Treasurer's report was received as presented. |
13-Mar-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the terms of reference for the One Learning Community Ad Hoc Committee as amended to replace the words 芒聙聹in place芒聙聺 with 芒聙聹required芒聙聺 under Deliverables and under Membership add one representative each from elementary, middle and secondary from the Greater 糖心视频污 Teachers芒聙聶 Association and the 糖心视频污 Principals and Vice-Principals Association, delete the word 芒聙聵Executive芒聙聺, add one CUPE 382 representative, add one ASA representative, add one student representative and add one representative from each local First Nation. | The Terms of Reference for the One Learning Community Ad Hoc Committee were approved as amended. |
13-Mar-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Superintendent芒聙聶s report as presented. | The Superintendent's report was received as presented. |
13-Mar-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No.61 (Greater 糖心视频污) support the Day of Mourning, April 28,2017 and communicate its support to all employees. | The Board will communicate the Day of Mourning with all employees. |
13-Mar-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the recommended motion from the March 6, 2017 Combined Education Policy and Directions Committee and Operations Policy and Planning Committee meeting. | The motion was approved. |
27-Feb-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No.61 (Greater 糖心视频污) provide the following motion to the BCSTA AGM: 芒聙聹That the BCSTA Board of Directors request the legislative Committee to review the BCSTA current bylaws to ensure they continue to best serve the membership and current organizational structure.芒聙聺 | The motion will be provided to the BCSTA AGM. |
27-Feb-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) extend the board meeting time past 11:00 p.m. | The Board meeting time was extended. |
27-Feb-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Secretary-Treasurer芒聙聶s report as presented. | The Secretary-Treasurer's Report was received. |
27-Feb-17 | That the following dates be approved: 2017/2018 School Year Calendar* School Opening 芒聙聯 September 5, 2017 First non-instructional day 芒聙聯 September 18, 2017 Thanksgiving 芒聙聯 October 9, 2017 Second non-instructional day 芒聙聯 October 20, 2017 (Province wide) Remembrance Day 芒聙聯 November 13, 2017 Third non-instructional day 芒聙聯 November 24, 2017 Schools close for Winter vacation 芒聙聯 December 22, 2017 Schools re-open after Winter vacation 芒聙聯 January 8, 2018 Family Day 芒聙聯 February 12, 2018 Fourth non-instructional day 芒聙聯 February 23, 2018 Schools close for Spring vacation 芒聙聯 March 16, 2018 Good Friday 芒聙聯 March 30, 2018 Easter Monday 芒聙聯 April 2, 2018 Schools re-open after Spring vacation 芒聙聯 April 4, 2018 Fifth non-instructional day 芒聙聯 April 20, 2018 Sixth non-instructional day 芒聙聯 May 18, 2018 糖心视频污 Day 芒聙聯 May 21, 2018 Administrative Day and School Closing 芒聙聯 June 29, 2018 *Seventh non-instructional day to be chosen by each school 2018/2019 School Year Calendar* School Opening 芒聙聯 September 4, 2018 First non-instructional day 芒聙聯 September 17, 2018 Thanksgiving 芒聙聯 October 8, 2018 Second non-instructional day 芒聙聯 October 19, 2018 (Province wide) Remembrance Day 芒聙聯 November 12, 2018 Third non-instructional day 芒聙聯 November 23, 2018 Schools close for Winter vacation 芒聙聯 December 21, 2018 Schools re-open after Winter vacation 芒聙聯 January 7, 2019 Family Day 芒聙聯 February 11, 2019 Fourth non-instructional day 芒聙聯 February 22, 2019 Schools close for Spring vacation 芒聙聯 March 15, 2019 Schools re-open after Spring vacation 芒聙聯 April 1, 2019 Good Friday 芒聙聯 April 19, 2019 Easter Monday 芒聙聯 April 22, 2019 Fifth non-instructional day 芒聙聯 May 17, 2019 糖心视频污 Day 芒聙聯 May 20, 2019 Administrative Day and School Closing 芒聙聯 June 28, 2019 *Sixth non-instructional day to be chosen by each school | The 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school calendars were approved. |
27-Feb-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Superintendent芒聙聶s report as presented. | The Superintendent's report was received as presented. |
27-Feb-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Superintendent to provide the Board an updated organization chart when changes are made. | An updated organization chart will be provided when changes are made. |
27-Feb-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Superintendent to revise the regulation associated with Policy 1240 - School Volunteers to bring clarity to the regulation with respect to volunteers in schools. | Regulation 1240 - School Volunteers will be revised. |
27-Feb-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) accept Policy 1240 - School Volunteers as reviewed with no changes. | Policy 1240 - School Volunteers was accepted by the Board. |
27-Feb-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) Amended Annual Budget Bylaw for fiscal year 2016/2017 in the amount of $223,083,534 be: Read a first time the 27th day of February, 2017; Read a second time the 27th day of February, 2017; Read a third time, passed and adopted the 27th day of February, 2017; And that the Chairperson and the Secretary-Treasurer be authorized to sign, seal and execute this Bylaw on behalf of the Board. | The Amended Annual Budget Bylaw was approved by the Board. |
27-Feb-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No.61 (Greater 糖心视频污) agree to give all three readings of the 2016/2017 Amended Annual Budget Bylaw at the meeting of February 27, 2017. | The Board agreed to three readings of the Amended Annual Budget Bylaw. |
27-Feb-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the recommended motions with the exception of items i) ii) and iii) from the February 14, 2017 Operations Policy and Planning Committee meeting. | The motions were approved. |
23-Jan-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) submit the extra-ordinary resolution 芒聙聹Removal of Honourary President芒聙聺 as presented, to the BCSTA AGM. | The extra-ordinary resolution was submitted for the BCSTA AGM. |
23-Jan-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Superintendent to make application to the Ministry of Education to access $235,753 in restricted capital to fund the completed SPIR work. | A letter was sent to the Ministry of Education. |
23-Jan-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Secretary-Treasurer芒聙聶s report as presented. | The Secretary-Treasurer's report was received as presented. |
23-Jan-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Superintendent芒聙聶s report as presented. | The Superintendent's report was received as presented. |
23-Jan-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the posting of the following 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 school year calendars on the School District芒聙聶s website for a period of one month. | The 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 school year calendars will be posted on the website for one month. |
23-Jan-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) delete Policy 5127 - Recognition Ceremonies. | Policy 5127 was deleted and removed from the website. |
23-Jan-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) delete Policy 5126 芒聙聯 Awards and Recognition. | Policy 5126 was deleted and removed from the website. |
23-Jan-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No.61 (Greater 糖心视频污) delete Policy 4135.4 芒聙聯 Teacher Staff Grievance Procedure. | Policy 4135.4 was deleted and removed from the website. |
23-Jan-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the recommended motions from the January 16, 2017 Operations Policy and Planning Committee meeting. | The motions were approved. |
23-Jan-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) accept the Terms of Reference for the District Middle School Review Committee as amended. | The Terms of Reference were approved. |
23-Jan-17 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the recommended motion from the January 9, 2017 Education Policy and Directions Committee Meeting. | The motion was approved. |
12-Dec-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) bring forward a motion to the British Columbia School Trustees' Association Provincial Council meeting calling on the Ministry of Education to extend the timeline for implementation of the revised high school curriculum. | A motion was brought forward |
12-Dec-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) amend Bylaw 9250.2, Notices of Motion, to delete the words "and may vote" from item #3. | Revised Bylaw 9250.2 - Notices of Motion, has been posted on the District website. |
12-Dec-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) agrees to give all three readings to Bylaw 9250.2, Notices of Motion, at the meeting of November 28, 2016. | All three readings were given to Bylaw 9250.2 - Notices of Motion. |
12-Dec-16 | That Bylaw 9250.2, Notices of Motion be: Read a first time this 28th day of November, 2016; Read a second time this 28th day of November, 2016; Read a third time, passed and adopted this 28th day of November, 2016. | The Bylaw was approved by the Board of Education and sent to the Ministry of Education. |
12-Dec-16 | That the election ballots be destroyed. | Ballots were destroyed |
12-Dec-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the recommended motions from the November 7, 2016 Education Policy and Directions Committee meeting. | The Motions were approved |
12-Dec-16 | That the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) instruct the Chair to write a letter of support expressing our sincere condolences to the Abbotsford school community for the tragedy and loss of life of Abbotsford Senior Secondary School student Letisha Reimer. | A letter was sent to the Abbotsford School District |
12-Dec-16 | That the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the recommended motions from the November 14, 2016 Operations Policy and Planning Committee Meeting except for items D2. b) iii and viii which will be discussed separately. | The Motions were approved, except for items D2. b) iii and viii which were discussed separately. |
12-Dec-16 | That the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) delete Policy 2123.044 - Supervisor of Data Processing. | Policy was deleted |
12-Dec-16 | That the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve naming the basketball court in the teaching gym at Oak Bay High school "The Don Horwood Court". | The basketball court in the teaching gym will be named "The Don Horwood Court". |
12-Dec-16 | That the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) delete Policy 3526 - Emergency Repairs to School Plant | Policy was deleted |
12-Dec-16 | That the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) retain Policy 3545.2 Field Trips and replace "the Board of School Trustees" with "the Board of Education" in the policy. | The Policy was retained and amended to replace "the Board of School Trustees" with "The Board of Education" |
12-Dec-16 | That the Board of Education of School District 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) retain Policy 3545.25 Overnight Accommodation in the policy and replace "the Board of School Trustees" with "the Board of Education" in the policy. | The Policy was retained and amended to replace "the Board of School Trustees" with "The Board of Education" |
12-Dec-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) request senior staff to脗听establish a link on the District website to provide the public with information pertaining to the Superintendent脗聮s and trustees' annual脗听expenses; this information脗听would be updated at the end of each fiscal year and include the first two years of the current term of the Board of Education. | A link was established on the District website providing information pertaining the Superintendent's and Trustees' annual expenses for the 2014-15 and 2015-2016 school years. |
12-Dec-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Superintendent脗聮s report of November 28, 2016 as presented. | The Superintendent's report was adopted as presented. |
28-Nov-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Secretary-Treasurer脗聮s report of November 28, 2016 as presented. | The Secretary Treasurer's report was adopted as presented. |
28-Nov-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) request that the Superintendent provide a report on the trauma support and safety procedures currently implemented in our schools. | Superintendent Langstraat and Associate Superintendent Whitten outlined the procedures currently in place. |
28-Nov-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct senior administration to prepare a budget for the January 2017 iteration of the Needs Budget Committee that includes restored language previously stripped from the GVTA Collective Agreement, to be submitted along with the projected budget for the 2017-18 school year. | Motion withdrawn |
28-Nov-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Chair to send a letter of congratulations to the BCTF congratulating the Federation on its November 10, 2016 victory at the Supreme Court of Canada. | The motion was discussed with a recommendation being made to amend the motion. |
28-Nov-16 | That the motion 脗聯That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Chair to send a letter of congratulations to the BCTF congratulating the Federation on its November 10, 2016 victory at the Supreme Court of Canada脗聰 be amended to include, in brackets, the words 脗聯copied to the Provincial Government脗聰 after the word 脗聯victory脗聰 and to replace the words 脗聯at the Supreme Court of Canada脗聰 with 脗聯and urging both the BCTF and the Provincial Government to work closely together to achieve the goals of the ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada脗聰. | The motion was discussed amongst Trustees with a recommendation being made to amend the amendment. |
28-Nov-16 | That the motion 脗聯That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Chair to send a letter of congratulations to the BCTF congratulating the Federation on its November 10, 2016 victory at the Supreme Court of Canada脗聰 be amended to include, in brackets, the words 脗聯copied to the Provincial Government脗聰 after the word 脗聯victory脗聰 and to replace the words 脗聯at the Supreme Court of Canada脗聰 with 脗聯and urging both the BCTF and the Provincial Government to work closely together to achieve the goals of the ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada脗聰 be further amended to add the words 脗聯as soon as possible脗聰 after the word 脗聯Canada脗聰. | The motion was discussed amongst Trustees with a recommendation being made to pass the motion as amended. |
28-Nov-16 | That the motion 脗聯That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Chair to send a letter of congratulations to the BCTF congratulating the Federation on its November 10, 2016 victory at the Supreme Court of Canada脗聰 be amended to include, in brackets, the words 脗聯copied to the Provincial Government脗聰 after the word 脗聯victory脗聰 and to replace the words 脗聯at the Supreme Court of Canada脗聰 with 脗聯and urging both the BCTF and the Provincial Government to work closely together to achieve the goals of the ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada as soon as possible脗聰. | The motion was voted on and passed as amended. |
28-Nov-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Chair to send a letter of congratulations to the BCTF congratulating the Federation on its November 10, 2016 victory (copied to the Provincial Government) and urging both the BCTF and the Provincial Government to work closely together to achieve the goals of the ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada as soon as possible. | A letter was sent to the BCTF and copied to the Provincial Government. |
28-Nov-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) instruct the Chair to prepare the necessary documents to effect withdrawal of this Board from the BCSTA as soon as possible. | Motion was postponed until meeting between the Board and the BCSTA could be established. |
28-Nov-16 | That the Board of Education of the School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) set up a meeting the BCSTA. | A meeting will be set up between the BCSTA and the Trustees |
28-Nov-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the recommended motions from the December 5, 2016 Combined Education Policy and Directions and Operations Policy and Planning Committee meeting except for D1. b) iv) v) vi) and vii) which will be approved separately | The Motions were approved except D1. b) iv) v) and vi) which were discussed separately. |
28-Nov-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No.61 (Greater 糖心视频污) write a letter supporting the 糖心视频污 Host Committee in their bid to host and organize the 2020 Francophone Games. | A letter was sent to the 糖心视频污 Host Committee. |
28-Nov-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) retain Policy 3501 Annual Operating Budget and replace the words 脗聯mission and goals statements as written in the Achievement Contract脗聰 with 脗聯Strategic Plan脗聰 in the policy. | The Policy was retained and amended to replace "mission and goals statements as written in the Achievement Contract" with "Strategic Plan" |
28-Nov-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) retain Policy 3450.1 School (Non-Public) Funds. | The Policy was retained. |
28-Nov-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) agrees to give all three readings to Bylaw 9130.1, The Education Policy and Directions Committee at the meeting of December 12, 2016. | All three readings were given to Bylaw 9130.1 The Education Policy and Directions Committee. |
28-Nov-16 | That Bylaw 9130.1, The Education Policy and Directions Committee be: Read a first time this 12th day of December, 2016; Read a second time this 12th day of December, 2016; Read a third time, passed and adopted this 12th day of December, 2016. | Bylaw 9130.1 The Education Policy and Directions Committee was passed and adopted this 12th day of December, 2016. |
28-Nov-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) agrees to give all three readings to Bylaw 9130.2, The Operations Policy and Planning Committee at the meeting of December 12, 2016. | All three readings were given to Bylaw 9130.2, The Operations Policy and Planning Committee at the meeting December 12, 2016 |
28-Nov-16 | That Bylaw 9130.2, The Operations Policy and Planning Committee be: Read a first time this 12th day of December, 2016; Read a second time this 12th day of December, 2016; Read a third time, passed and adopted this 12th day of December, 2016. | Bylaw 9130.2 The Operations Policy and Planning Committee was passed and adopted this 12th day of December, 2016. |
28-Nov-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) agrees to give all three readings to Bylaw 9130.3, Policy Sub-Committee at the meeting of December 12, 2016. | All three readings were given to Bylaw 9130.3, Policy Sub-Committee at the meeting of December 12, 2016. |
28-Nov-16 | That Bylaw 9130.3, Policy Sub-Committee be: Read a first time this 12th day of December, 2016; Read a second time this 12th day of December, 2016; Read a third time, passed and adopted this 12th day of December, 2016. | Bylaw 9130.3, Policy Sub-Committee was passed and adopted this 12th day of December, 2016. |
28-Nov-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) instruct the Chair to write to the Board Chairs of School Districts No. 62 (Sooke) and No. 63 (Saanich) outlining our desire to work with them to advocate for three separate enveloped funds to address the cost pressures of 1) curriculum implementation, 2) staffing costs, and 3) the implementation of the 2002 collective agreement language, with the goal that a joint letter to the Ministry of Education could be developed and sent to the Minister of Education (copying media and all local MLAs) outlining not only the cost pressures but also the ways in which these dedicated funds will improve learning conditions and outcomes for students. | A letter was sent to the Board Chairs of School District 62 (Sooke) and 63 (Saanich). |
28-Nov-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Superintendent脗聮s report of November 28, 2016 as presented. | The Superintendent's report was adopted as presented. |
28-Nov-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Secretary-Treasurer脗聮s report of November 28, 2016 as presented. | The Secretary Treasurer's report was adopted as presented. |
28-Nov-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) request that the Transit Commission reconsider reinstating the Youth Pass and work toward making it a reality. | A letter was drafted and presented to the Transit Commission. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Superintendent to make application to the Ministry of Education to access a further $2.2 million in restricted capital for the purposes of completing the Burnside Education Centre. | An application was prepared and submitted to the Ministry of Education. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) request the Deputy Superintendent to bring forward to the March 6th, 2017 Education Policy and Directions Committee meeting, an interim report to the Board of Education on the District脙垄脗聙脗聶s food awareness initiative. | This item has been placed on the March 6, 2017 Education Policy and Directions Committee meeting agenda. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Fast Track Update report. | The Board received the Fast Track update report. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) give direction to the Superintendent of Schools to develop a policy and regulation on Codes of Conduct based on the Board脙垄脗聙脗聶s values, as expressed in the Strategic Plan, and as also included in the Ministerial Order 27/06/07 on Codes of Conduct. | The Superintendent is in the process of creating a 'draft' Policy and Regulation on Codes of Conduct and will present this at a future meeting. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the Public Engagement Ad Hoc Committee Terms of Reference. | The Public Engagement Ad Hoc Committee Terms of Reference were approved and posted on the District website. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) delete Policy 3313.1- Sale of Merchandise or Services - Vending Machines in Secondary Schools. | Policy 3313.1 - Sale of Merchandise or Services - Vending Machines in Secondary Schools, has been deleted and removed from the District website. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) delete Policy 3327 - Grants (Fees for Service). | Policy 3327 - Grants (Fees for Service), has been deleted and removed from the District website. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) create Policy 2101 - Deputy Superintendent. | New Policy 2101 - Deputy Superintendent, has been created and posted on the District website. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) amend Bylaw 9130 - Standing Committees to remove Items #4 and Item #5. | Bylaw 9130 - Standing Committees, has been amended. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) agrees to give all three readings to the revised Bylaw 9130, Standing Committees at the meeting of October 24, 2016 | All three readings were given to revised Bylaw 9130 - Standing Committees. |
24-Oct-16 | That revised Bylaw 9130, Standing Committees be: Read a first time the 24th day of October 2016; Read a second time the 24th day of October 2016; Read a third time, passed and adopted the 24th day of October 2016. | Revised Bylaw 9130 - Standing Committees, has been posted on the District website. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Superintendent脙垄脗聙脗聶s report of October 24, 2016 as presented. | The Superintendent's report was received as presented. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the Equity Ad Hoc Committee Terms of Reference. | The Equity Ad Hoc Committee Terms of Reference were approved and posted on the District website. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the Student Registration and Transfer Ad Hoc Committee Terms of Reference as revised. | The Student Registration and Transfer Ad Hoc Committee Terms of Reference were approved and posted to the District website. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Secretary-Treasurer脙垄脗聙脗聶s report of October 24, 2016 as presented. | The Secretary-Treasurer's report was received as presented. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) agrees to give all three readings to Capital Bylaw No. 15/16-CP-SD61-01 Capital Plan 2015/16 pertaining to Reynolds Secondary School and 糖心视频污 West Elementary at the meeting of October 24, 2016. | All three readings were given to Capital Bylaw No. 15/16-CP-SD61-01 Capital Plan 2015/16. |
24-Oct-16 | That Capital Bylaw No. 15/16-CP-SD61-01 Capital Plan 2015/16 be: Read a first time this 24th day of October, 2016; Read a second time this 24th day of October, 2016; Read a third time, passed and adopted this 24th day of October, 2016. | The executed Bylaw was sent to the Ministry of Education. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve granting a Statutory Right-of-Way to the Corporation of the District of Saanich for the purpose of installing and maintaining a concrete sidewalk and asphalt pedestrian bike lane on the property that straddles Lansdowne Middle School and the Corporation of the District of Saanich legally described as Lot A, Plan VIP6679, Section 27, 糖心视频污 Land District, PID: 005-852-862. | That Statutory Right-of-Way has been granted to the Corporation of the District of Saanich in order for them to install and maintain a sidewalk and bike lane. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) agree to give all three readings of the Disposal (Right-of-Way) of Real Property Bylaw 16-04 at the October 24, 2016 Board of Education meeting. | All three readings were given to Disposal (Right-of-Way) Bylaw 16-04. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the Disposal (Right-of-Way) of Real Property Bylaw 16-04, being a bylaw to grant a Statutory Right-of-Way to the Corporation of the District of Saanich on the property legally described as Lot A, Plan VIP6679, Section 27, 糖心视频污 Land District: PID: 005-852-862, for the purpose of installing and maintaining a concrete sidewalk and asphalt pedestrian bike lane. | Disposal (Right-of-Way) of Real Property Bylaw 16-04 was approved by the Board and sent to the Ministry of Education. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) write to the Minister of Education expressing their support of the democratic right of the public to an elected Board of Education. Therefore, the Board of Education call on the Minister of Education to amend the School Act to require the Lieutenant Governor in Council to order an election be held within six months in the event that an 脙垄脗聙脗聹official trustee脙垄脗聙脗聺 has been appointed to a District Board of Education. | A letter was sent to the Minister of Education on October 28, 2016 and posted on the District website. |
24-Oct-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) instruct the Chair to write a letter to the BCSTA President condemning the partisan letter issued to media after the dismissal of Vancouver School District脙垄脗聙脗聶s elected Board of Education. | A letter was sent to the BCSTA President on October 28, 2016. |
26-Sep-16 | That the revised Bylaw 9360 - General Meeting of the Board be: Read a third time, passed and adopted the 26th day of September 2016 and that the revised Bylaw 9360 be enacted effective September 26, 2016. | Revised Bylaw 9360 - General Meeting of the Board, has been posted on the District website. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) establish a committee to examine possibilities for stakeholder engagement to inform the District as part of the District Community Engagement and Communications Plan. | A committee will be established to examine stakeholder engagement with the Board as part of the new District Community Engagement and Communications Plan. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Superintendent of Schools to develop a 脙垄脗聙脗聵draft脙垄脗聙脗聶 Terms of Reference for the Community Engagement and Communications Plan Committee. | The Superintendent of Schools will draft a Terms of Reference for the Community Engagement and Communications Plan Committee and present it at the October 24, 2016 Board of Education meeting. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) support the request of Our Place Society to extend the temporary housing at the My Place Transitional Home located at 1240 Yates Street, 糖心视频污, B.C. until March 31, 2017. | The Board supported the request of Our Place Society to extend the temporary housing at the My Place Transitional Home. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the internally restricted surplus appropriation of $18,158,834 as shown on Schedule 2 of the Financial Statements, being held for school level funds $5,735,930 (Note A), unspent project budgets $3,750,175 (Note B), purchase order commitments $961,965 (Note C), and the previously approved budgeted surplus of $7,710,764 (Note D). | The internally restricted surplus appropriation was approved. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve $3,700,000 of the June 30, 2016 unrestricted operating surplus of $4,641,593 (Note E) to be carried forward and applied towards the 2017/2018 projected deficit of $5,500,000 ($1,800,000 carry forward approved in April 2016 (Note D). | $4,641,593 will be applied to the 2017-2018 projected deficit. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve $500,000 of the June 30, 2016 unrestricted operating surplus of $4,641,593 (Note E) to provide learning resources to support the new curriculum. | $500,000 will be put towards learning resources to support the new curriculum. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve $441,593 of the June 30, 2016 unrestricted operating surplus of $4,641,593 (Note E) to support deferred maintenance in our facilities. | $441,593 will be put towards supporting deferred maintenance in our facilities. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the audited financial statements of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) for the year ended June 30, 2016; and that the Board Chair, the Superintendent and the Secretary-Treasurer be authorized to execute these statements, where applicable, on behalf of the Board. | The approved audited financial statements were executed and submitted to the Ministry of Education. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) receive the Technology Stewardship Ad Hoc Committee Report. | The Board received the Technology Stewardship Ad Hoc Committee Report. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) dissolve the Technology Stewardship Ad Hoc Committee since they have now completed their work. | The Technology Stewardship Ad Hoc Committee has been dissolved. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) create new Policy and Regulation 4305 - Gender Identity and Gender Expression. | New Policy and Regulation 4305 - Gender Identity and Gender Expression was created and added to the District website. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) accept the proposal Board of Education - Plan - 2016-17 as a general guideline for the Education Policy and Directions meetings, the Operations Policy and Planning meetings and the Board meetings. | The 2016-2017 Board of Education plan was accepted and added to the District website. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Superintendent to develop a draft Terms of Reference for an Equity Committee. | The Superintendent will draft a Terms of Reference for an Equity Committee and present it at the October 24, 2016 Board of Education meeting. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污), open the former site of Burnside Elementary School and provide the appropriate information to the Ministry of Education according to the School Opening and Closure Order In Council with the temporary name of the Burnside Education Centre effective September 30, 2016. | A letter has been sent to the Ministry of Education indicating that the former Burnside Elementary School will re-open as the Burnside Education Centre effective September 30, 2016. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) direct the Superintendent to make application to the Ministry of Education to access School District Ministry of Education restricted capital up to $1.9 million for the purposes of rehabilitating the Burnside Education Centre. | The Superintendent has sent a letter to the Ministry of Education requesting access to restricted capital. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve revised Policy 1160 - Public Information. | Revised Policy 1160 - Public Information was approved and updated on the District website. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) delete Policy 1160.1 - Fees for Access to Information and create Policy 1161 - Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. | Policy 1160.1 - Fees for Access to Information has been deleted and removed from the District website and new Policy 1161 - Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act has been created and added to the District website. |
September 26, 2016 | That the Operations Policy and Planning Committee refer the draft regulations for Policy 1161 聯 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, be circulated to our stakeholders for comment and be presented at a future Operations Policy and Planning Committee meeting no later than January 2017. | Draft Regulations for Policy 1161 - Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act has been circulated to all stakeholders for feedback and will be presented at a future Operations Policy and Planning Committee meeting. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) accept the recommendation of the Policy Sub-Committee that Policy 1322.1 - Student Participation in Public Contests and Events, be considered reviewed with no changes. | Policy 1322.1 - Student Participation in Public Contests and Events has been reviewed and remains unchanged on the District website. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) delete Policy 1160.2 - Personal Information Received in Confidence. | Policy 1160.2 - Personal Information Received in Confidence has been deleted and removed from the District website. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) delete Policy 1161 - Financial Reports. | Policy 1161 - Financial Reports has been deleted and removed from the District website. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) delete Policy 1324.1 - Relations Between Public and Students - Business Firms. | Policy 1324.1 Relations Between Public and Students - Business Firms has been deleted and removed from the District website. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) delete Policy 1332.7 - Student Care. | Policy 1332.7 - Student Care has been deleted and removed from the District website. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) delete policy 1410 - Board and Municipalities Liaison Re: School Capacities. | Policy 1410 - Board and Municipalities Liaison Re: School Capacities has been deleted and removed from the District website. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) delete Policy 1411 脙垄脗聙脗聯 Inter School District Liaison. | Policy 1411 - Inter School District Liaison has been deleted and removed from the District website. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve for submission to the Ministry of Education, the 2016/2017 Five Year Capital Plan. | The 2016-2017 Five Year Capital Plan was approved and submitted to the Ministry of Education. |
26-Sep-16 | That the motion 脙垄脗聙脗聹That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) reaffirm that stakeholder representatives seated at the Board table have the right to voice without vote at regular public board meetings脙垄脗聙脗聺 be referred to the Community Engagement and Communications Plan Committee. | The motion was referred to the new Community Engagement and Communications Plan Committee. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) continue to offer the Parent Education Fund for the 2016/2017 year as offered in the 2015/2016 school year. Further, the Board instruct the communication coordinator to fully inform PACs of this opportunity by September 30, 2016 | The Parent Education Fund will be offered for the 2016-2017 school year and communication has been sent to PACs. |
26-Sep-16 | That the motion 脙垄脗聙脗聹That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) amend Bylaw 9360 - General Meeting of the Board, Section 11.b) to add "Partner Group Reports脙垄脗聙脗聺 be referred to the Community Engagement and Communications Plan Committee. | The motion was referred to the new Community Engagement and Communications Plan Committee. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) adopt the Superintendent脙垄脗聙脗聶s report of September 26, 2016 as presented. | The Superintendent's report was adopted as presented. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) adopt the Secretary-Treasurer脙垄脗聙脗聶s report of September 26, 2016 as presented. | The Secretary-Treasurer's report was adopted as presented. |
26-Sep-16 | That the Board of Education of School District No. 61 (Greater 糖心视频污) approve the schedules as required by the Financial Information Act for the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. | The schedules have been submitted to the Ministry of Education and posted to the District website. |